Saturday, December 03, 2005

One Year Engaged

So today is December 3rd, and a year ago today Jonathan proposed to me. Last night Jonathan came up after work to take me out for dinner at Fridays, and then spend the night/day with me.... He left around 5:30 today which is later than I thought he was leaving... We had such a wonderful time... Last night at Fridays, I had a Jack Daniel's flat iron steak with potatoes, and it was delicious.. we split a Tuscan Spinach Dip appetizer and I had a Strawberry Daquiri... he didn't drink because he was driving..... Then we went home and we cuddled and watched television all night, went to sleep, woke up and layed in bed all day... around noon we ordered 20.00 worth of chinese food and then cuddled some more watching movies.... it was so nice.... First it was nice to be with him, and second it was nice to be lazy in bed with him and not just myself....

I can't wait for the day when Jon and I can be lazy together in bed on Saturday all the time.... you have no idea. I always get so emotional when he leaves for home or I leave to go to Albany... I don't mean to, its just that in my heart I know that I'm not supposed to leave and that he and I are supposed to be together. I know when he works, he is going to have to go on the road... and honestly, I will be fine with that... I will be fine with it because he will come home to me within no more than a few days to a week and not months like this living arrangement.... One day, or one weekend really sucks... its like you start getting comfortable and used to the person being there, and then BOOOOOOOM.... they/you have to go.... Well, its only five more months before he and I move in together.....I can't wait.

Other than that, this coming week is my last week of student teaching!!! I am super excited. I am nervous however for Saturday... I have my final NYS certification test.... then I get to go home for Christmas break... though on Monday is my gynecologist/doctor appointment... I hate doctors:(.....

Well, I should relax a little.... I have a mystery romance novel that is just screaming my name...
(yeah, I'm a nerd... with a romantic side... So what?:-p)