Thursday, December 31, 2009


Hopefully I can stick to them.

1. Make a better effort to exercise more
2. Keep work at work
3. Organize
4. Control my temper better
5. More MOH time
6. Procrastinate less

I'm sure I'll add more as the year progresses. That's tradition.

Monday, December 21, 2009


I've been up since 4:30 am which is a full three hours earlier than a work day..... we were woken up by an automated message from JetBlue calling to tell Jon his flight to Florida was canceled. So being the supportive "wife" I am, I got up with him to try and scramble to make some sense of this news and help find a reasonable solution. But he is now in bed and since I've already used the bathroom, I will not be able to go back to sleep. Thank you body for being uncooperative. So I programmed a pot of coffee, figured I'd get started on some laundry, read the paper, and catch up on magazines.... totally screams "staycation" vacation.......... yeah right.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Might as well

So today was the first day I woke up and could breathe without coughing up a lung. I'm still coughing and not 100% but I feel a lot better than I have been feeling the past week. I spent the day doing as little as possible. I did 2 loads of laundry, some dishes, and cleaned the kitchen. Other than that, I read for a little bit, addressed Christmas cards, and played Sims LifeStories (which has been my recent addiction)

This week I went down about 3-4 lbs and I'm trying to keep it down. Being sick and absorbed in the Sims, I didn't really eat as much. Couldn't taste it anyway. On Thursday I wore my Reebok Easytones to work. They were super comfy. I didn't walk too much at work so I didn't feel it so we'll see this week when I'm on my feet more. Speaking of this week I am not really looking forward to the craziness that is the week before break. The students are stir crazy because they know they are going to have the next two weeks off so they get a little crazy. Plus we have a few assemblies and a party so its going to be chaotic! But as much as they'll be crazy, its excitement. And its nice to see kids truly happy because too often kids carry the same weights that burden adults which is disheartening. So I guess a little Christmas crazy is ok.

I got most of my Christmas shopping done today. I still have a few more things to get but it feels good to have some of it done. I'm not sure what to do for JT this year. With him being out of work, I feel bad. I'm glad that he is going to get to spend time in Florida, enjoying the warm weather and taking his mind off his woes.

Well I'm going to go enjoy a mug of hot tea and read for a bit....