Saturday, April 24, 2010

Finally a Saturday

So I ended up falling asleep last night around 9pm and did not wake up until 9 am this morning. Guess I must've been tired. My schedule has been so busy and filled with softball practice, play rehearsal/performances, teaching, wedding planning, etc etc etc..... so I finally have a Saturday where there was no alarm clock, no morning obligation besides the one to myself: sleep in. Granted I didn't really sleep in much, but I did get a solid 12 hours of sleep which transfers to half a day.

So when I woke this morning I did some dishes that have piled up from lack of being home (Jon started a new job) and I rearranged some things in the living room. I rearranged furniture last Sunday but had to finish and just haven't had the time. So I'm in my recliner now, relaxing and drinking my coffee. I'm hoping to get in touch with my MoH so that we can go for a long overdue walk. It is a beautiful day outside.

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