Sunday, June 20, 2010

27 days to go

So there are 27 days left until the wedding day. Wow. That's all I can say.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hello 26

Today is my 26th birthday. Time has surely flown and from what I understand it just continues to zip on by from here. Today was a very nice day and I'm truly blessed. My students threw me a surprise part @ school today and even had my favorite-- ice cream cone cupcakes. It was so thoughtful and sweet.

I have been trying to get into more meditative practices and purchased, "The Daily Book of Positive Quotations" by Linda Picone. Each day has a quote with a little musing. I felt that today's musing was very relevant to it being my birthday.

June 10- Corny but true
"There's an element of truth in every idea that lasts long enough to be corny." Irving Berlin

Basically, the musing goes on to discuss how depending on the generation you live in often determines what you find as relevant and what is irrelevant. It determines the corny from the nostalgic. The first paragraph was very fitting to how I felt today:
"The younger we are, the more likely we are to dismiss the past as being old-fashioned and irrelevant. The older we are, the more likely we are to see wisdom and virtue in 'the good old days.'" (Picone, 176, 2008)

I just felt that it was a very relevant topic when thinking about my birthday. It left you with ideas to do a musing of your own:

"Which ideas from my youth are still good today? And which should I let go of?"

I must say I am not completely sure. I think I'm going to need to contemplate this more before I can answer. I don't necessarily know whether it is ideas that I should let go of or certain items. For example, my collection of stuffed animals. I don't really look at them but I have such an emotional attachment to most of them. I just can't seem to part with them. I hold onto so many things that are not important, but make them important. I keep saying, "If I have children it would be nice to pass them down to them." When, in fact, I know that my child doesn't want my hand me downs.

But its more than just "things."Ideas. Emotions. Hang ups. I wish that I could let go of the things that clutter my judgment. I think about the different ideas I had as a child about relationships, friendships, and other aspects of life. As a teacher, I am now watching students go through the same challenges/obstacles that we did as children. The wisdom I've gained and am passing down from my "good old days" that are being cast aside as "you don't understand." Its just interesting to see the lessons learned from the past and how relevant that are in this future.

I would be remiss if I did not mention that today is also the birthday of the one and only- Judy Garland.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Today was a Wonderful Wonderful Day

I am so overwhelmed with feelings today. The wonderful people at work threw me a bridal shower this morning. I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends and coworkers. The kindness and generosity has truly touched my heart. I will always remember this. My cake was DELICIOUS and absolutely beautiful:

School itself was great today. The kids were awesome. We read about tournaments and heraldry as well as began a mini project creating customized Coats of Arms. The kids are creating some really great things. And it was such a great day we went out for recess (more thanks to Jen. I'll give credit where its due, lol)

After school, I visited with MoH for a while. We exchanged birthday presents. Hers was on May 23rd and mine is June 10th. I'm actually quite surprised because we're never on time with gifts, lol. Usually we exchange a few months down the road. She got me a beautiful old fashioned emerald green bathing suit from our new addiction

I absolutely LOVE it and its beautiful. We chatted for a bit about the new book she's reading which I can't wait to read when she's done. I also did some cuddling with her little puppy Luna who is adorable beyond words.

I quickly went home before going to my mother's installation as the recording secretary of the Catholic Daughters. After that, I went to Cruizin' Port w/ the hubby to be. We met up with Trisha and her parents. It was a beautiful evening and addition to my already wonderful day. When we came home, we watched the season finale of Glee. Now, I'm very very particular about my all time favorite song "Over the Rainbow." I do not like many of the covers made of the song but I do like the ukuele version. Well, to end the season finale of the show, Matthew Morrison (whose voice I loooove) sang this version with Mark Salling. It was so beautiful and made me cry like such a baby. Search the video on youtube, its definitely worth it. I know I've been listening to it for the last half hour, lol.

Today overall was such a wonderful, beautiful day. I have so many things to be thankful and grateful for. I have a wonderful family and friends. 39 days to go before I become a Mrs.

Lets hope that tomorrow is another great day...........