Sunday, November 20, 2005

this past weekend

This past weekend was incredible.... I spent pretty much the whole weekend with Jon and his family.

On Friday I drove home because Jon asked me to come home for the weekend in a very subtle way... so I drove home and I went over his house around six. Usually his stepmother isn't very warm with me. Actually, she's quite cold. But this weekend she was really really nice to me. And Jon told me that it was genuine.. I helped them decorate the house for Christmas before Jon's dad came home from being on the road. It was really nice. Then we had some dinner, and then Jon and I went downstairs.... and around 11pm we started watching Madagascar with his stepmother and her sister.... b ut around 12:20 I started falling asleep so I went home.

Saturday, I spent from 11:30am-12:30am with Jon. He picked me up and we went to Newburgh for his nephew's karate tournament.. then Jon took me to a diner for lunch. After that, we went to Middletown so Jon could get a piece for his phone. He thinks he might get me a new phone for Christmas. (Which is nice and all but I'd rather have a girly gift, lol). Anyways, after that he and I went back to his house. I played some rollercoaster tycoon 3 while he played video games. Then we layed in bed for a long time and it was so nice. We cuddled and told each other memories that we had of each other... some good and some bad. It was really intimate and nice. Then we started watching "Racing Stripes." That really was a good movie, till the digital cable starting screwing up. Then we just layed in bed for a while, watching the Fresh Prince.... around 12:30am he brought me home.

Sunday, I spent the morning with my parents..... around 12:30pm Jon called me telling me he was going to Home Depot.... I needed to use a printer so he said that I could come over but didn't know what time..... so at about 1:30 I called his house because I wanted to go over before my mom's party began. I went over because his dad said to come when I wanted to, so I went. I spent an hour or so doing my project... then Jon and I watched the football game with his dad. Then Jon got in the mood to play madden... so I played on his computer for a while. After that, I gave him a back scratch/massage.... then we cuddled a little bit and then it was time for dinner. We had lots and lots of wings... it was good. Then Jon left the room to use the bathroom or something and I sat and talked with his stepmother and her sister for a while.... it was really nice..... Then it was time for me to go because I had to drive back up to Albany... so here I am, in Albany.

However, tomorrow after teaching and class, I'm driving back to Port for Thanksgiving break... I can't wait... even though I have do to an entire portfolio, child profile, and 2 PowerPoints...:-p But its ok, I'm bringin home the computer and hopefully I'll find the disk for my printer......Goodnight

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