Monday, July 26, 2010

Finally a Mrs.

Jonathan and I finally got married on July 17, 2010. After 10 years of friendship, 5 1/2 years of being engaged... we finally tied the knot. The wedding was beautiful. The weather was gorgeous, despite a bit on the hot side, but nonetheless lovely.

My wedding weekend was like a whirlwind. Family and friends started to come in on Wednesday and before I knew it, it was Friday. I spent the day with friends/family getting nails done and rehearsing one of the biggest moments of my life. Everything was wonderful at the rehearsal/rehearsal dinner and it was great to be surrounded by the ones I love.

The wedding day came so fast. I woke up and got my makeup done by Megan. (Who did a FABULOUS job) My sister, Mandy, did my hair (also FABULOUS). Before I knew it, it was 11 and my photographer Mary Kelly was there, taking pictures. Then the flowers came, my girls came, and it was time to be dressed. In the blink of an eye, I was dressed in my gown, tiara and veil in place, ruby slippers on, and getting ready to see my Jonathan.

Waiting in the back, I was pretty calm. When the music started, I was calm. When it was my turn to go down the aisle, I was calm. When I saw Jonathan, the tears just came. I was so happy that I was finally going to his wife. The ceremony was great, even the homily had a baseball theme to it. And just like that we were: "Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Taub."

We took pictures outside and did some baseball themed pictures to go with our baseball themed wedding. We entered our reception to "Enter Sandman." We had baseball vase centerpieces, lineup cards for table seating, parts of a ballpark for table names, a seventh inning stretch, and a baseball themed wedding cake. I even was able to tie in my Wizard of Oz aspects since there is the line "There's no place like home." Our sweetheart table bore the sign along with the Lenox piece that I bought of Dorothy and the Scarecrow since Jonathan is my scarecrow.

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We danced, we laughed, we ate, we drank, we cut the cake, danced some more....And just like that, the wedding and reception was over. We did go to karaoke after and hang out for a while, but the big day came to a close. And it was everything I hoped for and dreamed. <3

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