Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I don't know what the hell my problem is but I cannot sleep. Everynight the same thing- toss and turn. I don't know if its that I'm thinking too much or what but I just cannot seem to get to sleep. This could be a major issue especially with school starting in about 3 weeks. I try to sleep but I don't want to toss and turn so much that I wake the hubby. So I get up out of bed and go watch television in the living room or sit behind my computer in the office. During these times I should be constructive and do some house stuff since it much cooler at night but I don't. I play computer games or read. Then once I feel sleepy I go lay back down only to toss and turn some more.

WTF..... seriously.

I have been pretty irritable lately too. Just certain things have been getting to me lately........

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