Tuesday, February 23, 2010


So I'm sitting in the recliner looking out the window while the apparent dusting is going on. We've easily had 7 inches or more so far. Crazy crazy crazy. Then we are supposedly getting a "paralyzing blizzard" on Thursday-Friday. Lovely. I'm just concerned because my mother's 50th birthday party is on Saturday. When we had Anthony's birthday party, we had an ice storm. My mom's? A blizzard. Go figure.

If I don't have school tomorrow I'm going to take it as a sign from God that I need to finish the laundry and clean the bathroom.

1 comment:

Dana said...

and yet, u still won't because the recliner will def be calling ur name... and so will a book lol... love ya! hopefully this dusting ends soooooon! but i'll hope for no school for ya! :)