Tuesday, May 25, 2010

53... tick tock tick tock

53 days to go.....

It seems like many but feels like few....

Pre Cana went well..... I went for my dress fitting yesterday and we're going to put in a laceup panel in the back. I really need to find myself some motivation and self control. Its like, "Self-you have 53 days... get with it already!" I don't know if its that I'm comfortable being the size I am, if I'm just lacking will power, or what.... I'm hoping now that my after school committments are no longer, that I will resume Curves and going for walks. Over the summer, along with eating right, I made progress- noticeable- in my appearance/weight. Even if I can't maintain a habit of this, at least I should be able to do it for 53 days, right?

On another note, I've been addicted to Modcloth.com lately. I found a PERFECT dress today! I was pretty bummed about a similar one that was out of stock. So when I came home today and saw this one I was thrilled:

Seriously, the dress is called: Dorothy's Date Night

1 comment:

Dana said...

love it! too perfect.