Tuesday, October 12, 2010


So today's lesson was about scheduling your life, planning your days, and organizing yourself to be most effective. There are four quadrants and I find I spend most time in quadrant 4. This is the least productive quadrant titled "Waste and Excess." I'm sure we all find ourselves at one time or another fulfilling our days in this quadrant. For example, I know of only 2 people who subscribe to this blog so if you are reading it and aren't those two people, you read this because you saw it on Facebook. Facebook is a prime example of quadrant 4. How many times do you play Farmville, Bejeweled, varieties of Solitaire, etc etc etc?

Quadrant 4 are the activities that you spend to "unwind" "escape" if you will. Now don't get me wrong, I am by no means implying that we shouldn't engage in Quadrant 4. I would have no room to talk! My husband and I both LOOOOVE quadrant 4. I love getting lost in a book or watching my television shows. But I do wish that I spent more time in what was labeled "Quadrant 2." This was the effectiveness quadrant. This is the quadrant that you plan, build relationships, and do your most effective living. So, my goal for this week is to make my quadrant 4 activities into quadrant 2 activities.

In my defense, I believe that Jonathan and I watching a television show together and discussing the events as well as making predictions of what is going to happen next IS relationship building. It is bringing us together. It is encouraging us to discuss and have conversations.

So I guess my point is.... what is wrong with being in Quadrant 4? At least at this point in my life where I have no children. Shouldn't I use this time to its full advantage of relaxation? I know as a teacher, if I didn't recharge, I'd just burst! With all the responsibilities at work aren't we all entitled to escape for a little while? Even if its just to swap some jewels or plant some crops? I should think so.

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