Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Trying to Shift

My school district is offering a training course called "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People." What a great thing. You're probably thinking, what does that have to do with being a teacher. It has everything to do with being a teacher. The way you manage yourself as a person directly influences the way you are as a teacher. For instance, today's training focused a lot on the effects of being "proactive" vs being "reactive." I know in many situations I am more reactive than I am proactive. I don't always hesitate, reflect, and then respond. Especially with my husband. My poor husband gets the rough end of the deal since most of my patience is used from 8:20-3:20 @ school. So at home, when he asks me a simple question or wants me to help him do something small, I flip out like woah. I need to start taking a breath, even if that means counting down from 10-1, and then responding. I think some of his hesitations and reservations are direct responses to what I'm giving him. It was a very eye opening presentation today. I really enjoyed it and look forward to the next 3 classes..

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