Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Keeping up with myself

Only 9 more days till the school year is over. Time sure does fly. Just celebrated my 25th birthday last week. Quarter of a century, I cannot believe again how fast time goes. Today is my grandpa's 74th birthday.

I'm sitting here at my computer, talking to Dana and watching the "little miracles" (kittens). Its just amazing how much they have grown since I found them and their mother. They're one month old today and its amazing to me how big they have gotten and how they look more and more like cats everyday. They're finally allowed out of the box today. We set up some boundaries (though I am sure they will not last). But it truly is rewarding knowing that they have hopes for a life because I helped them, cared for them, and took them in when they were left to be outside. I just hope to find good homes for them as well as for the mom!

So tomorrow starts my "first" day of getting my shit together to get into shape and everything else in order. I never thought at 25 I would be looking at the mirror and hoping that its not too late to change what I'm seeing. I mean, I know it isn't, but motivationally I'm in a tough spot! I just hope that Dana helps kick my ass since she knows what a procrastinator I am and that I can keep it up in the summer when I know I'm not going to want to. But I really want to tone up by the time I go to Florida.

I hope that the motivation can continue..................

1 comment:

Dana said...

u can do it! i've come to realize that certain things u can procrastinate and others u can't... i think we've procrastinated living to the fullest for long enough... i'm here to kick ur butt, ur just going to hate me and don't argue with me! lol