Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 4

Day 4 was a loooong day....

I woke up and did a load of laundry.... made some whole wheat toast using weight watchers bread and put 1/2 tbs of strawberry jelly on each slice... with that I had an 8oz glass of orange juice....

Then talked to one of Anthony's coworkers about options for Rosie and kittens...

Went for a walk with Dana around 12:30ish from her house, around the cemetery twice, and back to her house....we cooled down on her porch with some water and just relaxed... it was a nice day

right after that I went home, had some grapes, put a bandaid on my blister that I got from walking, and headed over to meet Trisha at Curves for our workout which went well also

after all this I came home and showered which felt amazing... then made some dinner and relaxed before going to a jewelry party.

Tomorrow I'm golfing with my grandpa as long as the weather cooperates with us, I'm going to Curves, and then on a double date to dinner and to see Funny People......

Hopefully, I can keep myself under control at dinner and that instead of getting a big popcorn I choose the small instead.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

And I continue....

Didn't make it to Curves today but I did do an aerobics DVD before cooking dinner....

On the food front, I did very well today...
1/2 peach
1/2 pear
bunch of grapes
coffee w/ Truvia and milk

1/2 turkey caesar wrap using yogurt based dressing
stick of light mozzarella cheese
can of waist watchers vanilla cream soda

diet coke

salad plate of chicken and green beans sauteed in spices
cherry coke zero

no pudge brownie
hot tea w/ truvia

So all in all not a bad day on the food front... hope that it continues.... Going for a walk tomorrow w/ Dana and then hitting up Curves.......

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day 2

So, while I didn't work out today that was ok because I got some other stuff done.

I got a manicure, pedicure, and my eyebrows waxed with Trish today. Then did some food shopping for healthier options for food (i.e. fruits, veggies, and low fat/low carb stuff).... after that I went home and made dinner.... I was good.. I gave Jonathan the regular dinner plate and made mine on a salad plate. I also bought yogurt based ranch dressing today.... it wasn't as good but it'll suffice.

After my softball game I took a nice, soothing bath in lukewarm water with Tranquil mint bubble bath while reading a book and drinking tea. I am trying the Truvia sweetener instead of sugar since I drink so much tea. Hopefully at some point I'll be able to go sugarless.... but again, one step at a time........

Monday, July 27, 2009

Curve in the road

So after seeing pictures from this weekend, I decided that I must do something because I cannot continue to look the way that I do. I joined Curves today in hopes that it can jump start me into getting in control of my problem, i.e. food and weight. I am just so tired of looking in the mirror, I can't stand it. How did I let myself get to this point.... while I can still fit into the same size that I have been in for quite some time, I can't be satisfied with this any longer. I'm 25 years old and need to make the change now before it becomes even harder................

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I feel like my happy place has been cracked and I'm afraid for it to shatter.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ok I am the cat lady

So.... The kittens have upper respiratory infection and crazy cat lady me has antibiotic and eye cream for them. So a visit for malibu turns into a cat lady mission.
A good thing though.. I have been cooking dinner more lately since I am on vacation and have perfected some dishes. I also love my crock pot a great deal. Just have to find a better way to make chicken in it. The chicken I made the other night was a little dry. But the flavor was great. I do love to cook.

On the weight front, I'm down about 4 lbs since being on vacation.

Well, I'm going to go figure out what is for dinner....

Monday, July 06, 2009

Food Shoping, Procrastination, and Breaking Heart

So I went food shopping today and spent way too much... I guess that is what happens when you don't go on a regular basis. Anyway, I stocked up on stuff so I can actually cook and not do take out so often. I took 2 hours in the grocery store and then another 1 1/2 putting the groceries away. So once I finished all of that I did not want to even touch the laundry. So, I will be working on that tomorrow... I hope.

Next week the kittens can go to their new homes. This is a very bittersweet time for me. I know that I did a good thing by taking these cats in but I am not the type of person that can do it and be done. It really is breaking my heart. I did look up shelters today in the area that are no-kill so that I at least know the cats won't be euthanized if they are not adopted in a timely fashion. Especially the mother cat, Rosie. She is absolutely the sweetest thing and it would tear me apart to know I sent her to her death :,-(. The other one that really breaks me to pieces is mohawk. This is the kitten that I said I wouldn't get attached to but she really has found a place in my heart. I hope that she gets a good home.

The one that we are keeping we decided to call "Malibu." It goes with Calypso's name and just is something different. We've been having little get to know you times with Malibu and Calypso. They get better each time. Hopefully they can become friends because I think it would be good for Calypso to have another cat to cuddle and play with.

I got my new phone today too. I got a blackberry curve in pink because it was a free upgrade. So I'll have fun playing around with it. Well, I'm going to go sit in the recliner with some tea and read. Surprisingly, I haven't done a whole lot of reading this vacation. Tomorrow I am going to do laundry and read all day...hopefully.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy 4th of July

So yesterday I went to my friend Dana's to watch movies... it was nice to relax somewhere else but my house... her couch is awesome. Then I went home and a little while later we went to game night at a friend's house who is expecting a baby. We get there and are told that tonight will probably be the night but we're still going to try and have game night. No sooner did all the people arrive did our hosts announce they were going to the hospital. We stayed at their house since one of the other people attending was the babysitter for the son they already have.. So we played games, made a pool to see when the baby would be born, and had fun. Then the call came that they had a new baby. I just think that that is so amazing. Here I was at their house and about three hours earlier I was talking with her. Then three hours later she had a baby! That's just crazy to me. THe baby is beautiful.

Today is a BBQ day... hope I don't overeat... I've been so good :(