Sunday, November 08, 2009

And its Sunday again

It is Sunday again and here I sit wondering where the weekend went. I did have a nice weekend but it definitely went by too fast.

Today we went on a trip to Sam's Club. We probably spent more money than we should but at least we didn't deviate to far from the list we brought.

I need to get back on path with the fitness and exercise. The wedding is 251 days away and I want to make sure I'm not a blimp floating down the aisle but rather a fit young woman. I've just been so lazy lately. I'm not getting sleep and the sleep I'm getting sucks. I think a lot of it had to do with me staying up late to watch the Yankees. Now that the series is over, and thankfully they won, I should really get more sleep and get in a better sleep---->wake pattern.

Well, I have to go check on the laundry because I'm determined to finish the laundry today. It is just amazing to me that I can never get ahead of it. We have no kids it shouldn't be this hard!

I also am hoping to get a bath in today. I haven't had a candlelit bubble bath in a while and think that is just what I need tonight.

On another note, Bert didn't come home today :( Hopefully he can come home tomorrow.....

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