Saturday, February 13, 2010

I love weddings

I finally have some time to relax. I was just reading Dana's blog and it inspired me to write about love and the past few days have been crazy with wedding stuff. One my dearest and best friends, Trisha married her prince charming. Five months ago, I saw another dear best friend of mine, Dana, marry her prince charming. Both were very emotional and satisfying days. It was amazing to see two people that I love dearly marry their perfect match.

Dana and Adam:
Trisha and Kevin:

You can just see the love that radiates from both of these couples. I am so extremely happy for them both. I cannot wait for it to be my turn to marry my prince. I cannot imagine spending my life without Jonathan. The road to where we are has not always been easy but as they say, love endures all. I love Jon with all my heart. I cannot wait to say, "I do" in 154 days. I look so forward to spending the rest of my life with him. He truly is my other half.

Jonathan and I:

154 days... and our 6 year relationship will take the next step as husband and wife :)

1 comment:

Dana said...

awww! i love it! too cute and i can't wait for ur big day to happen!