Saturday, October 31, 2009


So I didn't do too badly today being surrounded by food and candy.... I spent the day at Trisha's house helping with candy, wearing my Dorothy costume, visiting Dana @ the Grill, and now watching the Yankee game and just relaxing. I love relaxing and just doing nothing :) its great. Especially since I slept in till noon today. I baked an apple pie which was delicious but not as good as last weeks.... so I'm going to have to add less apples.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lazy Sunday

Today was a lazy Sunday and I loved every minute of it. I slept in, brewed some coffee, and just relaxed all day long. I folded and put away clothes and that was the most productive thing I did today. It felt nice to recharge this weekend, I definitely need to. I should go to bed now but I'm watching the Yankee game and they are up 3-1 going into the 8th. Hopefully the rest of the game is uneventful so I'm not up later than needed.....

Tomorrow starts reclaiming my life and changing my routines..... just have to remember baby steps.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Finally Rested

I finally feel rested..... I took a 2 1/2 hour nap yesterday... I just passed out. It was great. Then went to bed last night and slept till about 8:30ish... it was great to just be able to sleep and finally get some rest.

I'm relaxing today and taking advantage of having nothing much to do. I want to finish my book, catch up on shows, I must bake an apple pie to take to my grandma's later and I'm taking my parents out to lunch today for their anniversary. Tonight I'm going to my grandma's for dinner (linguine and clam sauce) and we're going to watch either The Wizard of Oz or Snow White.... two movies I very strongly associate with my grandma. Her birthday was on Wednesday and thought this would be a nice way to celebrate it!

I remember being little and going to the theater that used to be in Milford and seeing Snow White on the big screen. Its interesting because both of these movies came out within 2 years of each other. Snow White in 1937 and Wizard of Oz in 1939... Also interesting is the actress that played Snow White (Adrianna Caselotti) was also in The Wizard of Oz. During the scene where they meet the Tinman and he sings his song "If I Only Had a Heart" she sings Juliet's part that goes "Wherefore art thou, Romeo"

Well Malibu is making typing difficult to type so I am gonna stop here.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009



that's how I feel.

I bowled well tonight the first two games : 221 and 205..... third game 139 YUCK

I'm tired and just feel blah...........

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

First Hiccup for Wedding

Among many more I'm sure.... so we had to change our wedding colors already. David's Bridal did not let me know upon registration how time sensitive the dresses I registered for were..... So I ended up having to change my colors to make it less stressful for me but I really like the new colors. It is a marine blue with silver. Its very pretty :) Jon's thrilled because they are "Yankee and Dallas colors."

So day 2 of the tea thing went just as well. I just can't seem to get sleep. I should probably get to bed soon so that I'm not going to bed late and hitting the snooze button. But the damn Yankees games have been going super long and just about every game has been extra innings. Bleck.... well I'm going to go read some of my book, watch the rest of the game, and then go to bed...... these days just go by so fast.

Monday, October 19, 2009


So today was the first day that I wasn't famished at snack or lunch. Dana suggested that I bring a big thermos of tea to work and drink it throughout the day since I'm not a big water drinker. This should help my hunger pangs because most likely they are just me being thirsty. Today was the first day that I wasn't extremely hungry at snack time or extremely hungry at lunch time. Even at dinner I wasn't starving. So I think that this could be a good solution to my issues with food/overeating. I hope that tonight I sleep better than I did last night. Last night was terrible. I think I got a total of 4 hours.

Well, its tv time with the hubby to be.... House (which is later than usual due to the Yankee game... the lost :( ) and Big Bang Theory are on tonight...... till next time.

Snack- 10:30- spicy pumpkin seeds (approx. 35 seeds)
Lunch- 1:40- meatballs (4 mini) , bread, and sauce
Dinner- 6:00- spaghetti with butter
snack- 9:00- tea and a Kashi oatmeal chocolate chip cookie

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Screw the two blog thing

Two blogs = more work than I want to do!!! Soooooo.... I'm going to just keep one and I like this title better than the previous one so this one stands. I am so exhausted right now. I went to bed super late last night because we stayed up to watch the Yankee game which went thirteen innings. I then had to wake up this morning to walk in the Breast Cancer Awareness walk @ Woodbury Commons. It was rainy and freezing but for a good cause. I got a caramel macchiato as a reward from Starbucks too soothe the coldness. When I got home from the walk and lunch with the girls I took a nice, hot shower and then fell asleep in the Cozy Sac with Calypso. While I didn't really want to nap away my Sunday, it felt great to sleep.

Jonathan and I went to Walmart so that I could get a few things. I bought yarn in our wedding colors to make myself a blanket. I also bought a thermos so that I can start brining a ton of tea to work to try and drink more water. I bought 2 mugs at the Disney outlet for 3.00 each (like I already didn't have enough) I really love mugs... probably because I drink so much tea. I like to rotate my mugs. But anyways, I think I might call it an early night because I'm so tired. I wish the weekend didn't fly by so fast. I'm not ready for work in the morning.......

Busy day

Today was a busy day... woke up this morning and went to David's Bridal with Trisha, Ryan, Baby Sam, and Megan to get our dresses for Trisha's wedding in February. I was very happy that I fit into a size 8 dress everywhere but my chest. so I ended up getting the 10 because I think that my back is so muscular and broad that even if I lost weight it wouldn't be significantly in that area. But the last bridesmaid dress I bought there was a 12 so I've made progress! We went to lunch at Applebees and then from there we stopped at Babies R Us....

I went to Jon's parents' house to carve pumpkins and mine came out really great. Its a cat (of course) We went home briefly and then went over to Matt and Ryan's house to hang out and watch some college football and the Yankee game (which is still going on... they're in the 12th) I graded some papers over there and Jon actually held the baby!

I'm soooo exhausted and really should go to sleep but I want to see the end of the game. Tomorrow we're doing the walk for Breast Cancer Awareness. Its going to be COLD!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Another Blog??

I started another blog called "Becoming Cognisant." I am going to try and maintain two separate blogs to keep my stresses in check. This blog will be dedicated to wedding stuff and other life things. While the other one will detail eating, sleep, and exercise habits. I want to keep myself on track so that on July 17th I will look the best I absolutely can! I worked out with Dana today and it felt great. We're going to do this every Thursday. It was nice to have girl time with Dana. There's no reason that we shouldn't see each other and as she put it "we live in the same town." well, I should get some sleep though I'm not looking forward to the morning.....she promised me I'd be sore tomorrow. Thanks! I've already warned Jon that I'll need encouragement about getting out of bed in the morning.... Between the warm down comforter, purring cat, and what I'm told an achy body... it will be quite a struggle... but at least tomorrow is PAYDAY and FRIDAY....

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Motivation Motivation Motivation

So Jon and I are getting married on July 17th! Its just about 9 months away. I want to lose 20 lbs at least. I bought my wedding dress on Saturday and it is absolutely freaking beautiful. I love it and its discontinued so it is imperative that I lose 10 lbs so they can start altering it to fit me appropriately. I am very fortunate to have awesome friends to help me along the way. My matron of honor just got married in September and I'm going to attend her ass kicking sessions as much as I can. Then one of my bridesmaids that is getting married in February (omg!!!) and I are still attending Curves but really really really need to get back on track with that. We did so well the first month!

My goal is to lose 20 lbs by the big day. Its manageable especially since I HAVE to lose 10 in order to even start the dress alterations!

Here's to being motivated and staying motivated.