Sunday, October 18, 2009

Busy day

Today was a busy day... woke up this morning and went to David's Bridal with Trisha, Ryan, Baby Sam, and Megan to get our dresses for Trisha's wedding in February. I was very happy that I fit into a size 8 dress everywhere but my chest. so I ended up getting the 10 because I think that my back is so muscular and broad that even if I lost weight it wouldn't be significantly in that area. But the last bridesmaid dress I bought there was a 12 so I've made progress! We went to lunch at Applebees and then from there we stopped at Babies R Us....

I went to Jon's parents' house to carve pumpkins and mine came out really great. Its a cat (of course) We went home briefly and then went over to Matt and Ryan's house to hang out and watch some college football and the Yankee game (which is still going on... they're in the 12th) I graded some papers over there and Jon actually held the baby!

I'm soooo exhausted and really should go to sleep but I want to see the end of the game. Tomorrow we're doing the walk for Breast Cancer Awareness. Its going to be COLD!

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