Sunday, October 18, 2009

Screw the two blog thing

Two blogs = more work than I want to do!!! Soooooo.... I'm going to just keep one and I like this title better than the previous one so this one stands. I am so exhausted right now. I went to bed super late last night because we stayed up to watch the Yankee game which went thirteen innings. I then had to wake up this morning to walk in the Breast Cancer Awareness walk @ Woodbury Commons. It was rainy and freezing but for a good cause. I got a caramel macchiato as a reward from Starbucks too soothe the coldness. When I got home from the walk and lunch with the girls I took a nice, hot shower and then fell asleep in the Cozy Sac with Calypso. While I didn't really want to nap away my Sunday, it felt great to sleep.

Jonathan and I went to Walmart so that I could get a few things. I bought yarn in our wedding colors to make myself a blanket. I also bought a thermos so that I can start brining a ton of tea to work to try and drink more water. I bought 2 mugs at the Disney outlet for 3.00 each (like I already didn't have enough) I really love mugs... probably because I drink so much tea. I like to rotate my mugs. But anyways, I think I might call it an early night because I'm so tired. I wish the weekend didn't fly by so fast. I'm not ready for work in the morning.......

1 comment:

Dana said...

haha did you even finish his blanket yet?! now u want to do a wedding one?! you're a crazy girl lol

even without the blog, u should still track your food... friends don't let friends make bad food decisions... even if you go out to dinner, make a good decision, you'll regret it in the end otherwise. promise.