Sunday, January 31, 2010

A New Week

First I must start and thank my MoH for the beautiful blog header :) I LOOOOVE IT!
Its a new week and hopefully this week will be better than the last two have been. Work has been very stressful on the student front. Hopefully this week is not.
I'm looking forward to starting my week off doing laundry (as usual), catching up on this week's newspapers, reading, and relaxing.... I also need to watch my dvred shows from the week before Jon gets home from Atlantic City. He doesn't like Fringe so I usually have to watch it when he's not here. Its too freaky for him.
So tomorrow starts the first day of February. I cannot believe how fast this year is flying by. Pretty soon July will be here before we know it. Holy wow. I have my first dress fitting on March 20th, so I have a little under two months to lose 15 lbs or at least a few inches around my waist, back, and shoulders. That is where the problem area is on my dress. The back and shoulders. I'm very muscular there and it doesn't help that I'm carrying a few extra pounds thus making my bust a bit bigger than it probably should be. I'd better get my ass in gear!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So I've spent the entire day so far in bed, aside from periods of getting sick in the bathroom. I wonder if this is God's way of telling me to slow down and get some rest. For the past few weeks I've been what feels like nonstop on the go. Lately I've felt really tired and then last night it hit me. My MoH is feeling under the weather so we didn't go kickboxing last night. Its a good thing we didn't go because who knows? I might've thrown up there which just would have been disgusting. So I've been in bed, Jon is taking good care of me. He bought me ginger ale, ice pops (2 kinds), and some soup. He's a keeper. Malibu has been in bed with me all day which is nice to just snuggle. I'm lucky to have wonderful pets. Calypso sat with me in the bathroom all night and put her little head on my foot as I was being sick. Gross as that sounds, and I'm sure you don't want to read these details, it was a sweet gesture. I really feel that animals are attuned to how people feel. My girls always seem to know how I'm feeling and how to make me feel better......

well I think I'm going to try and eat something. I've been able to keep a glass of ginger ale and a minute maid icepop down.... now lets try some soup.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Finally home in my recliner... I have a load of laundry in the dryer and another in the washer. I wish I could keep on top of the laundry... I always vow to keep up with it once I'm caught up but that never seems to work out. So for the rest of the night I'll be doing laundry and sitting here. I just got the Sims 2 (finally) and plan on playing that.

This week was pretty busy, I feel like I'm never home anymore. On Thursday I went with my moh to the a core workout class which I'm still feeling today. We're making plans to see a PT to get more individualized sessions. I really need to get into better shape so I can wear my dress. It is so beautiful and I owe it to myself to do it. But money as usual is an issue but I'm sure it'll work out.

I am so cozy right now. I'm in the recliner, wearing these really really soft slipper socks, comfy in my Snuggie, with Malibu purring like crazy on top of the recliner next to my ear. She goes to the vet on Wednesday to get fixed and declawed. I'm not looking forward to it. I know I'll be a mess.

Well anyways, I'm going to go set up the Sims and watch some football.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Jon gave me a re-engagement engagement ring. Since getting engaged 5 years ago he has always told me that he would upgrade it to a real diamond ring. So last night before bed he gave it to me. It is gorgeous. Here is a picture:

Right now I'm on the couch with my cats. Malibu is on my right and Calypso is on my left. Its nice to actually be home on the couch and not do a thing. I am looking forward to this three day weekend. Jon and I are going to go straighten up and clean the apartment. Its kind of been neglected because I haven't been home much and Jon has been pretty busy with other stuff. So hopefully I'll have some motivation to do it. Well I'm going to go read my book and relax with my kitties.

Saturday, January 09, 2010


Down 2 lbs woohoo... hopefully didn't blow it at Trisha's bridal shower though I didn't have too much to eat. I made a delicious lowfat cucumber dip that turned out the best I have ever made :) The shower was beautiful and Trisha was on cloud nine. She cried just as much as Dana was crying at hers. It was a wonderful today and tonight will be fun as well. Tonight is the bachelorette party. We're going out to dinner and dancing so I will definitely burn some calories tonight so that I didn't destroy all the hard work/sacrificing that I did during the week!

Sitting home right now feels good though. I feel like I haven't been here in ages! I finally am running the dishwasher, threw in a load of laundry, and straightened up a little bit. Its like I spent all break here and the first week back I basically just slept here. Its been a crazy week. Thursday and Friday I didn't get home till after 8pm each night! Even tomorrow afternoon I have a family after Christmas Christmas party. My girls probably feel so neglected by me since I usually spend so much time with them. Even Jon has been busy with the broadcasting stuff he's doing with Kevin. But, I am thoroughly exhausted right now. I think I'm going to go lay down for about an hour and relax so I have energy for tonight. Maybe watch some television or read for a bit on the couch. Quite possibly take a snooze.......

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Another day of the bugg

Today wasn't too bad with the bug:

Calories Burned
target: 2600 actual: 2136
Calories Consumed
target: 1600 actual: 1532
Physical Activity: (Moderate to Vigorous)
target: 1:20 actual: 1:33
Steps taken
target: 9000 actual: 9159
Sleep duration
target: 8 hrs actual: 6hrs 7minutes (83% sleep efficient)

Not too bad, yesterdays numbers were actually better when I updated before bed. So the numbers were higher. Its ok though, I'm at least being conscious of what I'm eating. I turned down one of my favorite sodas today as well as one of my favorite dinners. The calories weren't worth it. So, I'm going to go park my behind in the recliner, crochet for a little, and then call it a night.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Trying to get back with the bugg

So I'm trying to get back into habitual use of the bodybugg. I need to monitor my intake vs. burn. Today was my first day and I was actually quite pleased with myself. My stats:

Calories Burned
target: 2600 actual: 2796
Calories Consumed
target: 1600 actual: 1588
Physical Activity: (Moderate to Vigorous)
target: 1:20 actual: 2:42
Steps taken
target: 9000 actual: 10191
Sleep duration
target: 8 hrs actual: 5hrs 8min (81% Sleep efficient)

Not too bad. I had a good workout at Curves and was very careful about what I ate. I even drank water where I would normally drink something else.

It was the first day that I didn't feel like absolute crap on the way to work and for the better part of the morning. I actually woke up and had breakfast, took a shower, and made myself a nice lunch despite the struggle it was to get out of bed. Not only was it the first day back from vacation but it was also freaking cold.

Hopefully I can keep the going till tomorrow. Right now I'm just looking one day at a time.

Well I think its time to wind down and get myself to bed. Long day ahead tomorrow....