Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So I've spent the entire day so far in bed, aside from periods of getting sick in the bathroom. I wonder if this is God's way of telling me to slow down and get some rest. For the past few weeks I've been what feels like nonstop on the go. Lately I've felt really tired and then last night it hit me. My MoH is feeling under the weather so we didn't go kickboxing last night. Its a good thing we didn't go because who knows? I might've thrown up there which just would have been disgusting. So I've been in bed, Jon is taking good care of me. He bought me ginger ale, ice pops (2 kinds), and some soup. He's a keeper. Malibu has been in bed with me all day which is nice to just snuggle. I'm lucky to have wonderful pets. Calypso sat with me in the bathroom all night and put her little head on my foot as I was being sick. Gross as that sounds, and I'm sure you don't want to read these details, it was a sweet gesture. I really feel that animals are attuned to how people feel. My girls always seem to know how I'm feeling and how to make me feel better......

well I think I'm going to try and eat something. I've been able to keep a glass of ginger ale and a minute maid icepop down.... now lets try some soup.

1 comment:

Dana said...

Ginger ale. Yummy. I'm drinking the same and some Vfusion