Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Another day of the bugg

Today wasn't too bad with the bug:

Calories Burned
target: 2600 actual: 2136
Calories Consumed
target: 1600 actual: 1532
Physical Activity: (Moderate to Vigorous)
target: 1:20 actual: 1:33
Steps taken
target: 9000 actual: 9159
Sleep duration
target: 8 hrs actual: 6hrs 7minutes (83% sleep efficient)

Not too bad, yesterdays numbers were actually better when I updated before bed. So the numbers were higher. Its ok though, I'm at least being conscious of what I'm eating. I turned down one of my favorite sodas today as well as one of my favorite dinners. The calories weren't worth it. So, I'm going to go park my behind in the recliner, crochet for a little, and then call it a night.

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