Saturday, August 01, 2009

Just one of those days

So today I did well eating during the day and even at dinner I was ok.... I got a large popcorn at the movies but didn't eat it all and shared it with Jonathan. SO I don't feel like I did as poorly as I could have which is a bonus.

I was bummed I didn't get to golf with my grandpa today because of the weather. We didn't even get the storm that was abrewin'. But I at least got to relax my muscles today which were aching. As I mentioned yesterday I went on a long walk with Dana in the local cemetery which is gorgeous (despite some desperate upkeep near the city landmark of where the rivers meet and three states combine).... but I digress... we're going to another beautiful spot tomorrow, High Point which I am really looking forward to. I forget the beautiful spaces that are just within reach right here at home. Its also a bonus because we can go for a swim in the lake there which is beautiful! Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful. I'm also going to Curves in the am so I can earn my curves buck.

Tomorrow is a busy busy day because on top of those two things I'm going to a clambake as well as a game night with friends. So, I should probably head to bed and get some sleep. Hopefully I will be able to since tonight is Malibu's first night in our room with us and Calypso. Jonathan took the remaining kittens and mother cat to the shelter today so it was a rough one. Thankfully we went on a double date this evening to dinner and a movie to take my mind off that.. But anyway, its off to bed I go.... so I can be on the go tomorrow!

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